
Monday, July 23, 2007

Lonely Road

Today is a Monday. Yeah, correct and I have the proverbial "Monday Blues". I aimlessly was flirting with my mails, chatted up with friends and now finally am taping the board, wondering where will this lead me to. To my right Venkat is listening to "The Clash"-" a punk rock band from the "60's and the 70's". Before you marvel over my knowledge of this music, I guess I should set the record straight- I am not the real music buff, it's Venkat! Yeah, he is really into classic rock and I thank him for introducing me to new bands like the "Wolfmother" and (wait I can't even remeber the name of the others he had mentioned). Venkat hails from MICA- (Mudra Institute of Communication Ahmedabad- abrreviation for people like me who keep thinking the 'A' stands for Advertising). So he is the MICAn in our office and like many creatures from this 'land' he brings in, what I proverbially like to term as 'stoic bloc of knowledge.' Why 'Stoic?' Well, simply because they (these creatures), know a lot of what they ought to know. Pardon my 'foreplay' with the words but that is something that best explains people from MICA. Before I begin to dissect them I think I should get back to Venkat. (Pardon me pal, but I just thought to write about you in this entry. All cynical and 'not so called for statements' can be attributed to creative liberties and sensibilities)
Venkat looks after the web business of Music Today. His story for joining MT- "Online Marketing" and "NBD" (Well if you could peek into my mind and imagination right now , you can see me rolling in laughter. The reason would be 'politically incorrect' for me to state.) Now then, ofcourse I do not want to describe his job here. I would stick to describing him. Physically- 'hmmm,' he is like 6'5" (What???) Yes, thats him tall and lanky (I refrain from the word 'skinny', since it can hurt sensibilities ;)) He is quiet an enthusiastic guy with a jest for theatre and other related artistic activities, which allow my wavelengths to gel with his. Infact, he is also performing the role of the 'Madman" in "Accidental death of an Anarchist".
There is something about some people which make them interesting. Qualities like knowledge and good communication skills allows an involved audience and Venkat always has us all ears. So this is about his communication and before I forget, Venkat has also introduced to me good ol' Rajnikant and ofcourse he innumerable antics and stories of this actor. I was supposed to watch 'Sivaji' with Venkat as a translator but I missed it. ( Yeah!!!)
Does the above entry make you feel that I have held back in my dissection. Well, yes somewhere down the line writers like me, (hope there are not many) censor their emotions so that the reader is not offended. Talk about being politically right. Yes, that's what we need to be always-politically upright! My Bosses are. They are so right that I wonder if they can ever bend.
Sometime back I had composed a verse titled "Corporate Knightmare". I am attaching the verse below. It's always a solace for my heart to read it. And that's how I sign off for now... and "oh! Venkat- hey sorry dude, like you see/read- You were an excuse for me to arrive to this emotion. I used you as a filter to arrive to this. But the excuse for all this is as always- "creative sensibility"!!!

In the days of corporate knights,
No round tables but Claustrophobic cubicles.
The monotonous humdrum of air-conditioners
Cool us, the perpetual sinners,
Some arses are licked,
Some arses are kicked,
When the young ones whine and grind,
The elders take the shine.
Some wait for a bone to be thrown,
Some snatch the achievments alone.
When the lady flips or slips,
Knights with hankys arrive to rip.
Growth is a mundane term.
Manipulation is the norm.
"Look there is a rainbow outside"
A fresh look and its a screen saver's light
Yet I slogwork like a dog,
At the end of the day,I know I am away from all that lot;
Happy in my plateau(no promotoin you see)!
I still say on face that my elder is an empty top!
I lay the rules,
Questioned by fools,
Accepted by the top shots,
As my elder's thoughts.
I still do not care,
My wit and thoughts will have its share.
I am no Iago,
Neither am I willing to be Othello.
I rather be the king
Of my own ring
And when they shall know the truth
I will be the man with the boots.
No hurry to reach the summit
I will be there without skipping my heart beat.
"You'll not be in the race," some say.
I will not follow the pied piper into the bay!
His music might not lure me,
Its my grail that I only see.
If you follow the words above
there will be no miracle, no olive leaves, no dove.
But an oar you will see,
And in an island of your own, you shall be!
Binodan (23rd Nov)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a thing to associate subtle sensuous elements with your writing – ‘flirting with my mails’ and ‘foreplay with the words’. Is it deliberate?